Section: New Software and Platforms


We develop CL-AtSe, a Constraint Logic based Attack Searcher for cryptographic protocols, initiated and continued by the European projects AVISPA, AVANTSSAR (for web-services) and Nessos respectively. The CL-AtSe approach to verification consists in a symbolic state exploration of the protocol execution for a bounded number of sessions, thus is both correct and complete. CL-AtSe includes a proper handling of sets, lists, choice points, specification of any attack states through a language for expressing e.g., secrecy, authentication, fairness, or non-abuse freeness, advanced protocol simplifications and optimizations to reduce the problem complexity, and protocol analysis modulo the algebraic properties of cryptographic operators such as XOR (exclusive or) and Exp (modular exponentiation).

CL-AtSe has been successfully used to analyse protocols from e.g., France Telecom R&D, Siemens AG, IETF, Gemalto, Electrum in funded projects. It is also employed by external users, e.g., from the AVISPA's community. Moreover, CL-AtSe achieves good analysis times, comparable and sometimes better than other state-of-the art tools.

CL-AtSe has been enhanced in various ways. It fully supports the Aslan semantics designed in the context of the AVANTSSAR project, including Horn clauses (for intruder-independent deductions, e.g., for credential management), and a large fragment of LTL-based security properties. A Bugzilla server collects bug reports, and online analysis and orchestration are available on our team server (https://cassis.loria.fr). Large models can be analysed on the TALC Cluster in Nancy with parallel processing. CL-AtSe also supports negative constraints on the intruder's knowledge, which reduces drastically the orchestrator's processing times and allows separation of duties and non-disclosure policies, as well as conditional security properties, like: i) an authentication to be verified iff some session key is safe; ii) relying on a leaking condition on some private data instead of an honesty predicate to trigger or block some agent's property. This was crucial for e.g., the Electrum's wallet where all clients can be dishonest but security guarantees must be preserved anyway.